Advanced Studies in Work Psychology. Health and Quality of Working Life

The contents of this module are dedicated to the teaching of the main explicative theories and diagnostic skills in Work Psychology. Within the theoretical content, the Master’s also deals with topics such as Occupational Health Psychology theories and models, stress at work, burnout, satisfaction at work, work values, knowledge, skills and abilities, motivation, tasks, tools, information, working conditions, and hazards. The practical content involves analysis of positions, analysis of unemployment and analysis of hazards in the workplace.


  • Principal Psychology and Occupational Health theories and models.
  • Quality of working life: concepts and theories.
  • Risks and hazards in the workplace. Working conditions. Technology. Temporary agreements. Work-family balance. Work instability and unemployment.
  • Work stress (individual and collective), fatigue and mental overload.
  • Individual consequences: Psychosomatic stress, burnout, compromise and satisfaction