The Master's in Organisational and Work Psychology (OWP) has been developed taking into account the Bologna agreement and convergence effort towards a European Higher Education Area, as well as the guides, orientation and specific standards established through the European Diploma in Psychology- EDP (European Diploma in Psychology, especially those relating to the Master´s studies), the reference model for training in Organisational and Work Psychology developed by the European Network of Work & Organisational Psychologists – ENOP and requirements of European Diploma in Organisational and Work Psychology (Depolo, Munduate, Peiró, Roe, Sverko y Vartiainen, 2009; Roe, Coetsier, Levy-Leboyer, Peiró, y Wilpert, 1994).
The Organisational and Work Psychology Master's’ main target is to prepare students as professionals to be competent in Organisational, Work and Human Resources Psychology at a basic level as unsupervised professionals and to retrain professionals in the new work & organizational advances. This preparation is inspired by the scientific-professional approach that assumes that good preparation as a professional and professional retraining implies the acquisition of professional as well as research skills.