- Jornadas
- Responsabilidad social en las organizaciones. D. Álvaro Polo (Abengoa) y Dr. Miguel Rodríguez-Piñero Royo (Unievrsidad de Huelva).
- Conferencias
- Diversity and Emotion. Astrid Homan (Free University Amsterdam) y Gerben van Kleef (University of Amsterdam).
- Social Psychology of Economic Behavior. Eric Van Dijk (Leiden University), Ilja Van Beest (Tilburg University), y Wolfgang Steinel (Leiden University).
- Industrial Relations: An European perspective. Miguel Martínez Lucio (Manchester University).
- Dignity at work and anti-bullying interventions. Helge Hoel (Manchester University).
- Human Resource Management and its impact on employee well-being and organisational performance. Riccardo Peccei (King’s College London)